
4 items
Plamil So Free Vegan Carob Egg


Plamil So Free Vegan Carob Egg


A delicious sweetened confection of blended cocoa and gluten free oat flour and Spanish carob . Made using renewable energy. 100% paper packaging. Contains g...

Plamil So Free Vegan Oatmilk Egg


Plamil So Free Vegan Oatmil...


No added sugar confection of blended cocoa and gluten free oat flour. Made using renewable energy. 100% paper packaging. Allergen free

Plamil So Free Vegan Blonde Caramilk Egg


Plamil So Free Vegan Blonde...


A delicious caramel flavour sweetened confection of gluten free oat flour and cocoa butter. Made using renewable energy. 100% paper packaging. Allergen free

Plamil So Free Vegan White Egg


Plamil So Free Vegan White Egg


A delicious sweetened confection of cocoa butter and rice. Made using renewable energy. 100% paper packaging. Allergen free

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